Suchanda ❤ ~ Bumps to Babies Photography, Kolkata.jpeg
Suchanda ❤ ~ Bumps to Babies Photography, Kolkata.jpeg

Let's Click

“It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.”
Alfred Stieglitz


Let's Click

“It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.”
Alfred Stieglitz

Warning: Your little one is growing at an alarming rate. 🚀

One day, they’re all squishy and new. The next, they’re covered in cake and running circles around you. Let’s press pause for a moment and capture it all—before time speeds up again!

Suchanda ❤ ~ Bumps to Babies Photography, Calcutta.jpg

One day, these will be the photos you hold closest to your heart. 💕

That sleepy newborn stretch. That first cheeky grin. That belly laugh that lights up the room. You don’t want to forget a second of it. Let’s make sure you never have to.